Yusufçuk Tepe Yazıtları, Suvla Bay,
Eceabat District, Çanakkale Province

The monolith Yusufçuktepe is located at the summit of a low hill overlooking the Anafartalar Plain and Mestantepe. The monolith was built recently and is of a standard curved faced design similar to others on the peninsula. The inscription explains that after the initial Allied landings on the night of the 6th/7th August intended to surround a weak surveillance force, Turkish troops directed by Mustafa Kemal counter-attacted and threw enemy forces back along the Kirectepe Mestantep line. By the 21th August the Battle of Anafartalar had halted the attack. In all 8,155 Turks were killed while the Allied attack sustained 19,850 casualties.

Source: Google map search